Project overview

Finansijski program : COST
Naziv [ENG] : Translational control in Cancer European Network
Naziv : Translational control in Cancer European Network
Početak : 04.10.2022.
Kraj : 03.10.2026.
Skraceni naziv : TRANSLACORE
Web site :
Tip projekta : saradnja (+mobilnost, karijerni razvoj)
Tematska oblast : Intedisciplinarna oblast
Jedinica : Institut za napredne studije
Budzet za jedinicu :
Ukupan budzet :
Rukovodilac :
Opis : The TRANSLACORE Europe Action will bridge disciplines and expertise across Europe in order to advance an emerging field in cancer biology : translational control in cancer. It will provide a unique opportunity to understand this biological process leading to reconsider our view of gene expression control in this disease and deliver novel therapeutic opportunities. Translational control plays a major role in numerous physiological processes by defining the proteome, maintaining cell homeostasis, and controlling cell fate (stemness, proliferation, growth, differentiation). Acquisition of alterations resulting in translational reprogramming provides novel mechanisms by which aberrant cells escape normal physiology and favor development of cancers. Therefore, translational control has the potential to provide innovative strategies and therapeutic avenues improving the management and health outcomes for patients with cancer. However, there is a lack of mechanistic detail to describe translational control and its contribution to the disease processes. TRANSLACORE Europe will consist of a consortium of universities, international research institutes, basic scientists, clinicians, Biotech, Pharma companies and patient associations that provides cutting edge infrastructure and world-class learning environment for broad high-quality education in various research disciplines. By implementing collaborative and cross-disciplinary partnerships, resource pooling and knowledge sharing, this structural framework aims at achieving breakthroughs allowing to accelerate secure robust transfer of academic findings to improve human health of patients with cancer. TRANSLACORE Europe will help to improve cancer management and to maintain a competitive environment for European research in the field of protein synthesis control.